Diana Balaias


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Congratulations on seeking help! Taking this step is incredibly important and shows courage and determination.


I'm here for what's best for YOU!

Book an in-person appointment or an online session (ONLINE sessions are also possible after work hours if you contact us directly).

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Consultation en Psychologie Clinique / 1ère séance
1 Stunde

The first important step to overcome your difficulties.
Content of the session: identification of the issues/problems concerning you and discussion of possible treatments and interventions.

As you are unique and special, you have your own history, thoughts, and feelings, I will try to understand you as you are.

The first important step to overcome your difficulties.
Content of the session: identification of the issues/problems concerning you and discussion of possible treatments and interventions.

As you are unique and special, you have your own history, thoughts, and feelings, I will try to understa

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Consultation en Psychologie Clinique / séance de suivie
50 Minuten

Please, chose this option only if YOU already ARE my patient

Please, chose this option only if YOU already ARE my patient

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Thérapie de couple
1 Stunde 30 Minuten

The first appointment for couple therapy involves both individuals in the romantic partnership attending together.
The first session aims to address the concerns brought by each individual and conduct an overall evaluation of the relationship functioning. During this session is also discussed the therapeuthic process and the treatment plan will be tailored to your unique needs and goals as a couple.

The first appointment for couple therapy involves both individuals in the romantic partnership attending together.
The first session aims to address the concerns brought by each individual and conduct an overall evaluation of the relationship functioning. During this session is also discussed the

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